


Acupuncture is the practice of inserting fine, thin needles under the skin to relieve pain, dysfunction, and muscle spasm. It is also known as “dry-needling.” The needles used at our clinic are sterile, single-use needles. Since the needles are inserted shallowly, the treatment is virtually painless.

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Chiropractic is the practice of treating the muscles, bones, and joints with a gentile stretch or a quick and safe thrust. This can either be done with the hands or specifically calibrated instrument.

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Herbal Medicine

Safe and natural herbal medicines are used to treat many internal disorders. Most cultures have a tradition of herbal medicine. Chinese and Western herbs are used at our clinic.

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Asian Medical Massage

Asian Medical Massage is the practice of treating the muscles with hands-on therapy. It is a specific treatment for an area of the body which has dysfunction. It is more vigorous than a spa massage.

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Laboratory Testing

Specific tests are ordered from reputable lab companies. Our herbal, nutritional, and weight loss services are guided by laboratory testing.